Urubu supports tags. To use them, you need 2 things:

  • Assign the desired tags to content pages, by assigning a tag or a list of tags to the tags attribute. See also: Content files.

  • Provide a tag.html layout in the _layouts directory.

It is the existence of the tag.html layout that triggers the generation of tag-related content. For example, if you have used tags bar and foo in the project, you will see that the _build folder contains tag/bar/index.html and tag/foo/index.html. Those index files use the tag.html layout to show the content related to a tag.

Presumably, there is already a general index.html layout to show content in a folder. An initial tag.html layout can then be a one-liner by using template inheritance, like so:

{% extends "index.html" %}

Of course, you may want to specialize the tag.html layout further to better reflect the purpose.

Urubu also generates the corresponding tag objects so that you can use them in your layouts. This is described in Tag objects.

Note that the _build will contain a top-level tag folder, even when the source directory does not. Optionally, you can define the tag folder in the source also. You can then define an index file and set attributes such as the layout to display the tags themselves. However, the content will be generated by Urubu automatically and needs not be set. See also: Tag folder object.